Special thanks to everyone who made this documentary possible. Thank you to Hannah Hickok and Maggie Kraus for constantly putting up with us following them around and being so willing to help us get the footage and information we needed. Thank you to Katherine Fallon and Barbara Shiller for opening up your homes to us and giving us the time to sit down and pick your brains. Thank you to Maggie’s parents, Colleen and George, for sitting down for an interview. And finally, thank you to everyone who is watching, commenting and sharing our project – you’re the best.

Abbie Duquette: Abbie Duquette is a member of the class of 2015 at Smith College majoring in Music with a minor in Digital Music. She met Maggie Kraus during her first year where they sang together in the Smiffenpoofs, an a cappella group at school. They became friends and was eventually introduced to Hannah and began her unending obsession with Hannah & Maggie’s musical endeavors. She interns at Signature Sounds Recordings in Northampton, MA, along with working at the Center for Media Productions at Smith as a Student Media Specialist. She is the current musical director of the Smiffenpoofs where she sings songs using only her mouth. She can be heard singing harmonies on Hannah & Maggie’s CD “In the Company of Strangers.” Abbie can be reached at abbie.duquette@gmail.com.

Elizabeth Paul: Elizabeth Paul is a member of the class of 2016 at Amherst College majoring in history. She has a strong interest in music and journalism, and is the Managing Arts & Living Editor of the Amherst Student Newspaper as well as an Editor-At-Large for the Huffington Post. She sings and writes songs, and currently has one self-titled EP that features five original songs and was produced in 2012. Elizabeth can be reached at epaul16@amherst.edu.