About the Project


Luca with EBB

Luca Antonucci is a senior music major at Amherst College. A native of Watertown, MA, Luca plays the trumpet in orchestras, wind ensembles, brass quintets, jazz bands, and everywhere else he can. He also enjoys singing and conducting. Expandable Brass Band is his first street band, and it’s been a blast to put the camera down and play with the group. He can be contacted at lucaa(at)verizon.net




Special Thanks:

Thank you to the many people that made this project possible! Thanks to Professor Jeffers Engelhardt and the spring 2014 Pioneer Valley Soundscapes class for their support and for sharing their film expertise; Iris Arieli, for answering my questions from halfway across the world and for the poster image; Ken Harstine and Sandy Ward for helping turn the project from a pipe dream into a real collaboration and Sandy for the use of her brilliant photos; David Beauvais, Fred Hooven, Henry Canby, Jared Drake, Jeff Hinrichs, Jeremy Smith, Brandon “Zippy” Paige, Dave Abbott, Bob Snope, Dick Flynn, Liz Ryan, and Mark Hoover for taking the time to sit down and chat with me, and everybody else in the Expandable Brass Band for welcoming me to the band and sharing their experience. I would also like to thank Peter Marvin, Josh Baum, and David Moran for their help with the technical side of the project, and the Center for Community Engagement at Amherst College.