From club website: The mission of the Argentine Tango Club (ATC) is to allow all students at Amherst College the

From club website: The mission of the Argentine Tango Club (ATC) is to allow all students at Amherst College the
Argentine tango, as it is performed and danced today, was developed in the middle of the twentieth century in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay. Today, it is danced all over the world, and the Pioneer Valley is no exception.
From the club website: “In recent years, Salsa Rueda and Argentine Tango have experienced a world-wide revival. The goal of
Daniel Trenner is one of tango’s modern pioneers. He happened on tango in Buenos Aires in 1987 while he was
Joeseph Serrazina has worked at Shu-Fix in Northampton, MA for over 20 years. He has been in several news publications
Gilbert Wermeling is a second-year biology and music double major at Amherst College. He runs the Amherst Argentine Tango Club,