Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is a hobby enjoyed by thousands of people across the U.S. and the world. “Hams,” as the operators often call themselves, use radios to do activities as diverse as communicating with people across oceans, experimenting with wireless technology, using radios to hunt for hidden transmitters, and more.
This documentary focuses on the hams in and around Western Massachusetts. Among the people interviewed are Alan Dove (the president of the Hampden County Radio Association), Grace Cordova (the founder of the ham radio club at Smith College), Fred and Anita Kemmerer (who bounce radio waves off the moon), and Faye Krainson, a woman currently studying for her licensing test.
Though most of us are unaware of it, radio surrounds us—a constant stream of communication taking place just beyond the threshold of human hearing and sight. By spending some time with amateur radio operators, the film asks us to tune-in to the inaudible. You might be surprised by what you hear.
For more information about amateur radio, you can visit the website of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL):